Call for Papers
The Critical Editor™ (ISSN 2637-5176) is currently accepting submissions for its critical edition of Charles Dickens' Barnaby Rudge (1840-1841).
Published by Annotated – The Online Library of Annotated Editions™, The Critical Editor is the first of its kind—a peer-reviewed academic journal devoted to the online publication of open-access critical editions of classic literature. While we are primarily interested in theoretically-informed and historically-grounded literary criticism on our editions' focal texts, we also accept submissions for each of the following:
Author Chronology
A Biographical Sketch on the Author
Narrative Chronology
Discussion Questions/Writing Prompts
Annotated Manuscript Excerpts
Submission Guidelines: All submissions must be written in English and accompanied by the writer's CV. While we prefer previously unpublished work, we will consider high-caliber previously published submissions. Literary criticism papers should be no longer than 25 pages in length, include an abstract (not to exceed 300 words), and adhere to the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (7th or 8th edition).
If you are interested in contributing one of the other abovelisted components to an edition (such as the Author Chronology, Biographical Sketch, etc.), please email for specific instructions.
Please note that contributors to our editions retain the copyright to their accepted work, but grant The Critical Editor™ and Annotated™ the unlimited right to publish/reproduce that work in whole or in part.
To facilitate the blind review process, the author’s identifying information should appear only on the submission cover page. Submissions are reviewed by our editorial staff. Electronic submissions only. Submissions may be sent as DOC, DOCX, or PDF files by by accessing our website at or via email to
The deadline for submissions is July 31st, 2021.
If you would like to contribute to an edition of a work for which we are not currently soliciting contributions, please email us at to register your interest. We look forward to hearing from you!
For more information, please visit
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The Critical Editor is managed by Annotated™, a nonprofit organization entirely dependent upon donations, grants, and voluntary crowdsourcing for its existence. Please consider making a tax deductible donation or becoming a sponsor. For more information on how to donate or otherwise contribute to Annotated™, please visit and select the “Donate” icon. Thank you for supporting our mission to make literature accessible and free!
Essays and Articles on the Text
Annotated Contemporary Reviews
Pedagogical Aids
Sample Undergraduate Student Papers
Selected Bibliography